"This is a living manuscript chronicling my own soul's journey of spiritual and emotional integration as I heal from a childhood rife with abuse, and engage and ongoing process of embracing and coming to learn about and understand the teachings of divine truth and divine love as taught today by Jesus and Mary who are presently reincarnated and bringing these great teaching to the earth again. Here I share my own, and other's explorations on how we might bridge these profound understandings about God's love and truth onto the earth to address and resolve personal and global issues of suffering, as well as embracing our divine potential as God designed us to enjoy as we unfold and express our unique souls here on earth."
Recent Additions to Manuscript:
Lessons in Divine Love: Jesus on Origins and Issues of Lack
Exploring Social Issues: The Death Penalty
Explorations: Creating New Dimensions on Earth
Exploring Global Issues: Moving Forward: A Public Conversation on Surviving Sexual Abuse
Explorations: Near Death Experiences
Exploring Global Issues: Israel, Palestine and the Gaza Strip
Exploring Global Issues: ISIS and the Islamic Militant State
Exploring Global Issues: Epidemics
Exploring Global Issues: Pedophilia
Explorations: The Truth About Education in America
Lessons in Divine Love: I Shall Not Hate
Essay: The Edge of the World
Essay: My Accident and the Law of Attraction
Lessons in Divine Love: Jesus and Mary Clarify Issues Around Rageful People and Spirits
Lessons in Divine Love: The Secrets of the Universe
Lessons in Divine Love: Discovering and Connecting to Desires
Prose: The Man and the Woman
Lessons in Divine Love: Spirit Influence and Sexuality in "Spiritual" Practices
Recommended Readings: A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands by Franchezzo
Lessons in Divine Love: The Sleep State
Explorations: Schizophrenia
Lessons in Divine Love: The Padgett Messages
Lessons in Divine Love: Jesus Helps a Woman in the Hells to Stop Passing Her Injuries on to Others
Lessons in Divine Love: How to Progress from the 6th Dimension of the Spirit World
Readings and Book Discussion: Through the Mists Trilogy
Lessons in Divine Love: The Truth About Family Bonds on Earth and in the Spirit World
Lessons in Divine Love: What Parents Will Need to do to Reunite with Children they have Injured
Lessons in Divine Love: Interview with Jesus: Abortion
Lessons in Divine Love: I Shall Not Hate
Explorations: Nonviolent Communication
Index: Divine Truth Videos