The Divine Love Path
Hi my friends...I'm home again after spending ten days in texas at a retreat with a group of around 40 people who are engaging, exploring and growing along the path of divine love. Mary, Jesus and Cornelius traveled to the states from Australia and gave so generously to us all...their kindness, love, truth and wisdom.
Here is are the talks from that event.
By the way, they have over 1200 hours of free seminars on everything from the spirit world, to the truth about god's laws that govern our universe, love of self and others, the sleep state, the human soul, soul mate relationships and much more...which I find to be the highest truths on all these subjects to exist on the earth today. They filmed much of this event I was so fortunate to attend...and the questions and presentations and the rich and wondrous dinner conversations we all had gathered around Jesus and Mary were also captured on tape....and will be posted soon as well.
I must say this experience was the most amazing of my life. I am so so overwhelmed with gratitude for these beings of love and truth existing on the earth.
Words cannot describe.....
I feel so thankful to know the way forward now in so many aspects of my own personal life where I was blocked these last thirty years. What a relief and what hope I will live with now. It is just such a profound and unexpected gift from god and the fact that Mary and Jesus and the others with them have returned to earth to offer this gift of the Teachings of Divine Love and Truth again to humanity is just so humbling to receive this when all had felt lost to me forever.
I'm going to share more of my own journey in my "Divine Truth Tales"...on this site in the days ahead....I find what I am learning from these loving souls to be the most valuable information on the earth for personal and plantary healing and the way forward to create a world of beauty and love for each and every living being.
This little girl TOTALLY exemplifies how I feel...
In this first presentation from our retreat Jesus answered some questions about the sleep state which inspired me to ask (about 1:24 minutes into the talk) about my own terror-filled nights where I have spent my life running from my mother and sisters who are always chasing me and trying to keep me from any hope of gaining even the smallest foothold or space to exist in on the earth...his life-altering answer was so unexpected and soul-healing that I will be eternally transformed by those ten minutes of sharing he gave so generously to me. Although I had acknowledged my history of child abuse and gone through therapy thirty years ago, I was stuck for these past decades in many ways...the details of which were elucidated for me in this brief exchange...and I am finally free now to finish my restore my soul to it's pristine release all the unloving, distorting and deeply damaging projections I have ingested through time...and to return to my divinity again...the state we all...each and every soul on earth...and in the spirit world...were created by god to live in. Both Jesus and Mary spoke to me over the course of the event about my need to feel deeply and release my grief over how attacked I have been throughout my lifetime...something I have not done much of at all even though I have been attacked all throughout my life on an ongoing basis...even to the extent of being run down by a car driving at full speed right into my precious little body. I have such gratitude to have met these beings in person whose condition of love is so high that they would never turn these things on me as has been my experience again and again... a seemingly endless and ongoing stream of re-injury throughout my life. That alone, being in the safety of beings in a higher state of love...and existing openly with all my pain and not being further hurt...has transformed me eternally.
Check out these awesome videos! The Secrets of the Universe
Highly recommended: The Human Soul: Emotions and the "Mother" Taboo This is the best starting point I have seen for a true and loving dialogue on male/female intergender and intergenerational injuries and how to truly heal ourselves and the world.
Here is a great question and answer series on Spirits and Spirit Influence....highly recommended!!
.... feelings about The Divine Love Path
Great interview explaining how the world of emotions is key to soul progression
Here is a great interview revealing the dangers of repressing emotions as a spiritual practice
Great presentation on how we are interfacing with and effected by the spirit world
Very informative presentation offering insights for psychics, channelers and healers
Really valuable insights into the human soul and the use of addictions, fear, threats and bribery
Great clear explanation of the Law of Desire
I have begun a deep exploration and application of the teachings of divine love and truth which I am chronicling in a "living manuscript" entitled The Circle...A vision of wholeness remembered.