There are many reasons why humans today deny the existence and nature of the spirit world....largely, it is because dark spirits influencing us don't want to be revealed for their motives and because, historically, we have been moved away from knowing the profound beauty of the higher spirits and their desires to reach the earth with truth about God, God's Laws, the human soul, soulmates, and love by those who would want us to remain ignorant forever about these things. Still, this life-changing widsom is currently accessible to those who want it in some of these places on earth today.
The Padgett Messages are a great source of knowledge about Divine Love and Truth. Channeled by James Padgett from 1914 to 1924 from the spirt world these messages contain vast insights into life in the spirit world, the human soul, God, God's nature and laws, soul mates, spirit influence, the celestial realms and much more.
Here is an online version of The Padgett Messages.
Here is a pdf version of The Padgett Messages.
The truth really can set us free.