Celestial Cycles

June 2013

Celestial Cycles

June 2013
My thoughts on “Experiencing” by Moti
A willingness to be open and move through new terrain is key to personal evolution. We can cling to the familiar and find ourselves embedded and entrenched in cycles of repetition, or we can open our hearts and minds and walk with courage toward new experiences. In order to truly unfold into our highest potential here, we must engage life through stepping out of the known and embracing what calls us. The deepest wisdom is gained through exploring life and truly understanding things through experience itself.
So, what's up the with heavens?
The Sun, traveling through Gemini, compels us to open our souls to embrace new experiences....until it enters Cancer on the 21st....marking the Summer Solstice and we turn to nurture and cultivate our inner worlds. The New Moon on the 8th in Gemini hints at doorways into unexplored places that beckon us and the Full Moon on the 23rd in Capricorn reveals new ways to ground our dreams into the physical world.
Venus enters Cancer on the 2nd reminding us of the great rewards that come with experiencing all our emotions fully. And Neptune, traveling through it's natural sign of Pisces, begins a five month retrograde movement on the 7th, as we embark on a quest of deepening our connection to our own souls and work to heal the places where we have sacrificed ourselves with others. We live and we learn and, as we embrace feelings of loss and regret, we grow in love.
As Mars in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces on the 7th, we broaden our quest to find deeper meaning in the experiences we embrace. And, as Mercury in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn, we stand up to structures through aligning with truth. Mercury then squares Uranus in Aries on the 8th and we throw caution to the wind in our exchanges and speak up with a new fearlessness.
Saturn in Scorpio trines Uranus in Pisces on the 11th as we walk through new doorways offering the potential of greater spiritual freedom. We can be both deep and free. Mars then squares Pluto on the 15th as tension builds and we search for new levels of liberation. Chiron, the comet of shamanism and healing, begins a five month retrograde journey through Pisces on the 16th. We must heal ourselves before we can truly be of help others in their healing journey. As Mars squares Chiron on the 19th, we realize where our what we have not yet healed blocks us now from moving forward.
Jupiter, the planet of expansion, enters Cancer on the 25th as we take in a breath and release a collective sigh of relief and settle into a roomier way of being where we live in deeper emotional freedom together. Mercury, the planet of communication, turns retrograde (until July 20th) on the 26th, reminding us that what is in our lives now is the result of our own law of attraction and that introspection is key to changing things for the better. And, as Venus enters Leo on the 27th, as we embrace our creativity and indulge a bit in self-exaltation.
Happy Birthday Gemini!
May 21 to June 20
Ruling Planet: Mercury ~ Rules: Shoulders, Arms, Hands
Symbol: The Twins ~ Element: Air ~ Energy: Masculine ~ Quality: Mutable
Most Compatible Signs: Libra, Aquarius
Gem: Opal ~ Flower: Lily of the Valley ~ Color: Yellow
Famous Geminis: Bob Dylan, Johnny Depp, Che Guevara
The High Manifestation of Gemini Energy: Embodying and embracing an openness to experience all that life has to offer.
The Shadow Manifestation of Gemini Energy: Loss of self through distractions and over extending without keep our center and growing.
The Full Spectrum of the Gemini/Sagittarius Axis: “I explore and experience the world so that I can come to my own deep understandings and arrive in a philosophical seat from which I can share with the world and continue experiencing.”
With Gemini energy we grow to experience....beyond mere survival....this world of creation. Here, in this open state, we embrace our curiosity and an uninhibited state of a child. We feel a freedom and openness to things still unexplored. There are seeming endless doors calling to us to walk through into new experiences and we have the courage to go there.
Each of us were created with passions and desires that are meant to be discovered, embraced, acted on and fulfilled. The courage to explore and a willingness go toward new things is key to this process. And Geminis lead the way.
What are your dreams and desires? As we look around us, we see the possibilities and when we take steps in new directions it can lead to great things. To really understand things and gather genuine wisdom, we must immerse ourselves in life. So often, we are discouraged from exploring new things because we must start without the security of knowing in advance what it's all about.
To move through life with a willingness to be vulnerable and curious and uncertain opens a million new opportunities to us. We cannot know what something will be like or is all about until we go there. Allow the energy of Gemini to spring forth from your heart and soul and move you with abandon toward something brand new.
There is an irony in the Gemini/Sagittarius axis in that we cannot gain deep wisdom without a willingness to know nothing. The knowledge we gather through placing ourselves in the middle of life is priceless. And, as we expand into new understandings, we see the great benefits of being open with ourselves and others.
Aries - Mar. 21 to Apr.19
Whenever and wherever we find release from the grip of oppression there is a renewed sense of appreciation for freedom. That is the positive side of this type of challenge. The truth is that we are all given free will and whenever we try to control others we are living out of harmony with love.
Taurus - Apr. 20 to May 20
Great strength is accessible to you now Taurus. Reach deep down inside and draw on your well of wisdom to guide you. Tap into the resources that are all around you but often remain unacknowledged and unseen. The more you can be still and tune into yourself, the more easily you can access these resources.
Gemini - May 21 to June 20
Following times of victory, we can find ourselves feeling disoriented and looking for a new center Gemini. As you embrace the unknown and give space for uncertainty, you will find stress dissolve. We don't need to know everything at all times, despite what we might have been taught. It is ok to be vulnerable.
Cancer - June 21 to July 22
After big shifts we see again the potential within and around us we had not realized was available to use to work with. When we push to get things done, we can end up narrowing our attention toward a tightly defined range of circumstances. Now, you become aware of the big wide world once again.
Leo - July 23 to Aug. 22
The nature of life is to move in and out of communion with others Leo. When we expose ourselves for prolonged periods of time, it is natural and healthy to yearn toward a more conservative time and to embrace privacy again. It can be renewing and invigorating to individuate ourselves by simply spending time alone.
Virgo - Aug. 23 to Sept. 22
Letting go of strife is sometimes a choice we can make consciously to act on Virgo. Now, you consider what steps you can take to reduce areas of conflict or remove yourself from situations that result in strife. There is more room to negotiate and opportunities to disengage that you may not have acted on yet.
Libra - Sept. 23 to Oct. 22
You offer advice and release attachment to the outcome with ease Libra. We can only give the gift of love and wisdom and honor the free will of others to make their own decisions to embrace and embody what we have offered or to make other choices in different directions. Leave it to them to decide.
Scorpio - Oct. 23 to Nov. 21
The meaning behind what you thought you had achieved, you feel now as hollow, Scorpio. We all embrace things that appear real at times, that we later discover are illusions. On one level, whether there was truth in what we believed was real does not truly matter, because we still had the experience anyway.
Sagittarius - Nov. 22 to Dec. 21
Work to be open-minded Sag. Realize that there are others involved in the things you are engaged in and that they have timelines of their own. What can feel like an abrupt interruption of the flow of things underway to one person, is the perfect rate of momentum to another. Tune in with care.
Capricorn - Dec. 22 to Jan. 19
Heroism is afoot Capricorn. You are more adept than many when it comes to accomplishing things in the “real” world. You can be generous with those who are learning still. What is second nature to you, can be very challenging to others and might require much more from them to achieve. Be a hero.
Aquarius - Jan. 20 to Feb. 18
You can guide others who have lost their way Aquarius. Explain to those who inquire what it is that you see going on. When someone heads down a path that is not integritous, they often find it difficult to find their way back to balance. You step forward to help guide those you care about.
Pisces - Feb. 19 to Mar. 20
Your nature is to seek peace and harmony whenever possible Pisces. We must ultimately embrace and hold space for the full spectrum of our emotional selves if we are to exist here in our totality. The irony is that when we allow for “undesired” feelings, we enjoy rest from strife on the other side.
I am currently available for readings.
You can call me at (575) 534-1024 for more on the nature of my readings and for information on setting up an appointment.
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Also, I have been publishing "Celestial Cycles" for the past 15 years. If you are interested in having my column in your publication, contact me here for rates and details.