by Jesus and Mary
The Truth About Reincarnation
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
This is an excerpt from a correspondence in full here where Jesus responds to a question about reincarnation.
Q: Why does humankind feel attracted to the doctrine of reincarnation?
A: There are many reasons why.
Here are some:
1. Spirits in the hells, who lived a life out of harmony with love while on earth, are addicted to the concept that they can come back to earth, either to re-experience their unhappy life, or to avoid the consequences of that life when they arrive in the spirit world. They see reincarnation as a way of returning to earth, since when people on earth believe in reincarnation, they are more likely to be open to allowing a spirit from the spirit world to remain attached to them, and to live through them.
2. Spirits who do not see any way to progress to higher dimensions within the spirit world feel they must return to earth in order to progress to higher dimensions. They do not understand they can progress to higher dimensions just by learning how to become more loving while they remain in the spirit world.
3. People on earth want to understand why injustice occurs. Rather than seeing injustice as a human creation (caused by people on earth living in their unloving emotions and untruthful beliefs), and allowing themselves to feel the grief of this injustice, they would prefer to believe that they must have done something in a previous life that was unloving (but which they cannot consciously remember), which they must now pay for (Karma) in their current life. This allows people to avoid a lot of personal grief about injustice on earth, and how injustice is created.
4. People on earth wish to avoid being loving and impartial to others, or wish to avoid personal responsibility for helping others who are being treated unjustly. They then come up with the belief that the people who are born into an unjust situation (actually caused by humankind), where born into that condition due to a previous wrong they themselves committed. Since they are now being "punished" for their previous life, people who have the reincarnation belief can justify the punishment. This is why the Indian society accepts the caste system. Those who are untouchables are not helped with their personal circumstances because the rest of society believes they are paying the Karma of previous evils. This justifies the other castes using and abusing the untouchables.
5. Many people and spirits wish to believe they have "many lives" on earth, because they have no concept of what the glorious life in the spirit world above the 1st sphere (1st dimension) is like. They are afraid, and so they would rather believe they can return to earth than understand they will remain in their own dark condition until they personally make a choice to become more loving and truthful in their own life. If they are unaware of other dimensions they think that there are only two dimensions they can experience. Or, if they are aware of other dimensions, they think that enlightenment must occur on earth before they can progress to those dimensions. Both beliefs, of course, are wrong.
6. People on earth and spirits in the spirit world want to avoid remembering their own "past evil", and so it is convenient to just believe they are being corrected for past wrongs committed without remembering what was wrong, or understanding how it was wrong. People want progression without having to come to terms completely with the Truth of their own life in a fully conscious manner. So they invent a doctrine which allows them to deny or forget past deeds and unloving behavior, while at the same time believing that all unloving behavior will be corrected sometime in the future (without really having a definite method via which this happens).
7. People on earth and in the spirit world want to believe that all evil deeds will be punished. Since they do not see this punishment occur on earth during the life of the evildoer, they hope that the person who is an evildoer will have to return to earth in a worse situation and condition and is forced to live through the experiences that they perpetrated towards others during their previous life. It is another way to threaten people. The Christians threaten people by saying that the evildoer will remain in hell forever. The believer in reincarnation threatens people by saying that they will have to experience progressively worse lives on earth until they become enlightened if they are evil in a current life.
8. People on earth wish to believe they are special , rather than feel the emotions that they have an ordinary life. So they invent a belief (reincarnation) which allows them to believe that even though they are not famous in this life, they had many previous lives in which they were famous or special. This helps them avoid the grief of their own single unfulfilled life, and helps them feel glamorous and special.
9. People want to avoid the painful emotions of their own life which have entered them from conception onwards that they cannot intellectually understand. So they create a belief (reincarnation) which explains to them that this pain comes from a previous life. This helps them to avoid experiencing this pain emotionally, by creating distance between the life they are currently involved in, and the emotion that life created within them that they would like to avoid.
10. People want to avoid an acknowledgement of spirits who are attached to them in their own life. So they create a belief (reincarnation) that allows them to think that the pictures and memories they sometimes have that are traumatic come from their own previous lives. This helps them avoid acknowledging that there are many different distressed spirits who are connecting with them often on a daily basis. It also helps them avoid the realization that there are many people who have lived a life on earth and who are now in the spirit world who are in a state of complete confusion, and many other very distressing emotions. It helps them hold onto the belief that once they die, all the truth will be automatically revealed, when this is not the actual case. Truth can only come to the soul who sincerely wants Truth.